A woman sitting on the couch talking to another person.

Mental Health Counseling Services

Armstrong Family Counseling, LLC is where compassionate support meets personalized care. Our team of licensed therapists is dedicated to helping you navigate life's challenges with empathy and expertise. Take the first step to positive change by exploring our range of counseling services today.

Comprehensive Counseling Services

Individual Counseling

In individual counseling, we specialize in assisting clients in navigating personal challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and stress management, through a personalized approach tailored to their unique needs. Our licensed therapists create a supportive, non-judgmental environment to facilitate personal growth and healing.

Anger Management Counseling

Anger management counseling provides therapeutic support to individuals struggling with anger issues. We aim to understand triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and improve relationships through emotional regulation, empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling lives. We also offer court-ordered anger management programs to meet legal requirements and support positive change.

Marriage Counseling

Our marriage counseling services emphasize a dual focus on enhancing communication, resolving conflicts, and deepening emotional connections for partners. Through expert guidance, therapy sessions can rebuild relationships and strengthen bonds between couples.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-marital counseling plays a crucial role in addressing potential issues and establishing a solid foundation for marriage. Through therapy, couples are prepared for future challenges and ensure alignment on values, goals, and expectations, fostering a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a child-focused therapeutic approach that utilizes play to help children express emotions, resolve trauma, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. We provide a safe and creative environment for children to work through their challenges, enabling them to heal and thrive.

Teen Counseling

Teen counseling focuses on helping adolescents navigate the unique challenges of their age, such as identity issues, peer pressure, and academic stress. Our therapists use therapeutic techniques to empower teens to develop resilience and self-awareness, equipping them to overcome obstacles and build a positive future.

Trauma Counseling

Trauma counseling aids clients in processing and healing from traumatic experiences. Our therapists are experts in creating a safe space and using evidence-based techniques to guide individuals through recovery, helping them regain control of their lives and find healing.


Neurofeedback is an advanced therapeutic approach to improve brain function, alleviate mental health conditions, and enhance overall well-being. Through non-invasive techniques, real-time brain activity feedback fosters positive changes, offering individuals a pathway to optimal mental health and wellness.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation helps couples navigate divorce non-adversarial, focusing on fair and amicable resolutions. The mediator facilitates open communication and ensures both parties' needs are met, fostering a cooperative environment where agreements are reached with mutual understanding and respect.

Family Counseling

We provide comprehensive support to families navigating conflicts, communication issues, and life transitions. Our therapy sessions are tailored to improve relationships and foster a harmonious family dynamic, guided by experienced counselors.

Court Ordered Counseling

Our court-ordered counseling service comprehensively addresses court-mandated therapy for individuals and families. We employ a structured approach to meet legal requirements while promoting personal growth and behavioral improvement, ensuring that individuals receive the support they need within the legal framework.

Re-Integration Counseling

Re-integration counseling supports individuals re-integrating into family and society after a significant change or absence. We provide a tailored approach to rebuilding relationships and facilitating successful reintegration, helping individuals navigate transitions and rebuild connections.

Court Assessments

Our court assessments provide comprehensive evaluations to meet court requirements, including psychological and behavioral assessments. We prioritize objectivity and thoroughness, ensuring that our evaluations accurately and responsibly inform court decisions.

Parenting Counseling

Parenting counseling guides parents through challenges related to child-rearing, communication, and discipline. Our personalized strategies enhance parenting skills and family relationships, empowering parents to navigate difficulties and foster a nurturing environment for their children.

Parenting Classes

Our parenting classes offer an educational resource for parents, focusing on the structured "Parenting with Love and Logic" curriculum. This program equips parents with practical techniques to raise respectful, responsible children while maintaining loving, healthy boundaries. The structured curriculum empowers parents to create a positive family environment.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Connect with us today to discover how our counseling services can support your personal growth and well-being journey. Whether you're seeking assistance with relationship issues, stress management, or personal development, our experienced therapists are here to help.

A woman talking to another person in front of a mirror.